I am interested in research questions related to Industrial Organization and Applied Econometrics. Part of my research is funded by the National Science Foundation (SES-1024840, SES-1530788 and SES 2242380), and the Gates Foundation.
- Cartel Instability and Price Wars: Retail Gasoline in Canada (with Rob Clark and Marco Duarte). Book chapter, Cartels Diagnosed: New Insight on Collusion (edited by Joe Harrington and Maarten Pieter Schinkel), August 2024
- Preemptive Entry and Technology Diffusion in the Market for Drive-in Theaters (with Ricard Gil, Shilong Sun and Yuya Takahashi). Conditionally Accepted, Rand Journal of Economics. Latest version: April 2024.
- The role of intermediaries in selection markets: Evidence from mortgage lending (with Jason Allen, Robert Clark, Shaoteng Li and Anna Trubnikova). Forthcoming, Review of Financial Studies.
- Hub and Spoke Cartels: Theory and Evidence from the Grocery Industry (with Robert Clark and Ig Hortsmann). American Economic Review. March 2024.
- The Impact of Distance in Retail Markets (with Danny Edgel, Peter Newberry, and Katja Seim). American Economic Association P&P, May 2023.
- Agency Frictions and Procurement: New Evidence from U.S. Electricity Restructuring (with Mike Abito, Jin Soo Han, Arthur van Benthem). Journal of Industrial Economics, October, 2023.
- Privatization of public goods: Evidence from the sanitation sector in Senegal (with Josh Deutschmann, Jared Gars, Molly Limpscomb, and Laura Schechter). Forthcoming, Journal of Development Economics.
- Nexus Tax Laws and Economies of Density in E-Commerce: A Study of Amazon’s Fulfillment Center Network, (with Peter Newberry, and Katja Seim), Econometrica. Vol 91, Issue 1, (2023).
- The Industrial Organization of Financial Markets (with Robert Clark and Jakub Kastl). Handbook of Industrial Organization, Vol. 5, Issue 1, 2021
- When Does Regulation Distort Costs? Lessons from Fuel Procurement in US Electricity Generation: Comment (with Jin Soo Han, Arthur van Benthem, and Miguel Abito). American Economic Review, April 2021.
- Search frictions and market power in negotiated price markets, (with Jason Allen and Rob Clark). NBER working paper 19883. Journal of Political Economy. August 2019.
- Price controls and market structure: Evidence from gasoline retail markets, (with Juan Esteban Carranza and Rob Clark), 2015, Journal of Industrial Economics.
- An industry dynamic model with price controls (with Juan Esteban Carranza and Rob Clark), Online appendix to “Price controls and market structure”.
- Price dispersion in mortgage markets, (with Jason Allen and Rob Clark), Journal of Industrial Economics, 2014.
- The effect of explicit communication on pricing: Evidence from the collapse of a gasoline cartel, (with Rob Clark), Journal of Industrial Economics, 2014.
- The effect of mergers in search markets: Evidence from the Canadian mortgage industry, (with Jason Allen and Rob Clark), American Economic Review. 2013. Online appendix
- Collusion with Asymmetric Retailers: Evidence from a Gasoline Price-Fixing Case (with Rob Clark), American Economic Journal:Microeconomics, 2013.
- Spatial differentiation and vertical mergers in retail markets for gasoline, American Economic Review, 2012. Online appendix.
- A Multi-Level Investigation of Information Technology Outsourcing, (with Benoit Aubert, Michel Patry and Suzanne Rivard), Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 2012.
- Gasoline markets, The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, Steven N. Durlauf and Lawrence E. Blume, Eds. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Characteristics of IT Outsourcing Contracts, (with Benoit Aubert, Michel Patry and Suzanne Rivard), Proceedings of the 36th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2003.